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Step into the future of sustainable mobility as we warmly welcome you to EVCare where innovation harmonizes with electric excellence, guiding the way to a greener tomorrow. Your journey begins with us, empowering the evolution of transportation.

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From banking and insurance to wealth management and securities distribution, we dedicated financial services the teams serve all major sectors.

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Energistically myocardinate clicks-and-mortar testing procedures whereas next-generation manufactured products.

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Analytics Solutions Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it


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I am Peter Parker, a senior advisor for an independently owned Theme company called ThemeMiles.

Peter Parker

CEO, ThemeMiles

All Avantage Services


Asked Any Question

Of course not. Nobody can make that guarantee (and if somebody ever makes that guarantee, it’s a good idea to run away quickly). A good plan is essential, but a plan alone will not get funded. Although we will do our best to help you prepare, we have no control over how well you present yourselves to investors, or how well you answer their questions. We can coach and we can mentor, but at the end of the day, it’s your business and you must close the deal.

We can sometimes make informal introductions to potential investors or other intermediaries. In general, only brokers licensed with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) can legally arrange financing (see Beware of Finders in our Blog). Please seek legal counsel and make sure that any “finder” you talk to is properly licensed with FINRA before you hire them. Failing to do so may expose you and your company to significant liability.

No, we are management consultants, not investors.

If you run a business, then it’s probably safe to say yes. In fact, you may require more than one business plan: one for raising capital and one for running your business. The former is a compact, easily digested strategic document that is designed to persuade potential investors to pick up the phone and invite you to their offices for an initial meeting. The latter is a more detailed document serving as a day-to-day roadmap, detailing the tactics supporting your overall strategy. The former needs to be an attractive document that sells; the latter can be a collection of spreadsheets, lists, research summaries, and other documents stuffed in a binder that you refer to and update on a regular basis. We specialize in preparing the capital-raising business plan, but many of the by-products are suitable for use in the operating business plan.

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